Thursday, August 16, 2007

senior year so far...

so i have officaially finished my last "first week" as a high school student.
it went really well. i like all my classes and teachers i have a few classes that may be tough but hopefully not too bad.
one class im really excited about it my anatomy.

i think i may have finally decided on something i want to do with my life.
shocking i know. we were talking about how anatomy tied into so many different careers and she mentioned radiology and things like x-ray, MRI, and sonagram technicians.
i was kinda intrested in the sonogram part of it.
i came home and started talking to my mom about it and she immedietly jumped on the idea since ive been SO picky and confused about what i want to do.

Then we started looking at stuff online and the only college that offers this sonography program is Virgina College, which of corse wouldnt be my first choice but its really starting to grow on me!! its not too far away and wont take as long to finish.

Today when i got home from school the admissions counselor from VC called me! which is so so so weird to have colleges calling me. i do not feel old enough for this stuff. but anyways.
i talked to this lady for over 30 minutes. she was really sweet and she said she loved thompson kids....biggg plus!
she said the program only allows 30 in the class!! so its very competative but she said she could help me alot since im starting early. im so excited !! i think this is something i would really like doing. it still medical which i like but its not like a nurse who has to do everything because i definetly could not handle some of this stuff.
idealy with this i could go to school for 2 years then find a good job at a small obgyn practice and get to give ultrasounds to cute little pregrant ladys. of corse there are other parts its not all just cute babys but it cant be that bad! PLUS. these people make some pretty good money!

i mean look who wouldnt love doing this everyday!


~Donna~ said...

Good for you, Kori! I wish I knew what I wanted to be when I "grow up!" LOL

Sheila Lackey said...

Keep focused Kori Lynn.
Keep focused.
You can get there. God has a plan for your life. I am excited for you, but still kinda wish your biggest decisions were what outfits Barbie would wear. will never get into college with out using capital letters!!!!! (had to say it one more time) I love you baby girl.