Thursday, June 14, 2007


Today was the first day of my new "job" started off this morning at 5:50 a.m. crazy i know! i dont even wake up that early for school. but it wasnt that bad. i waste almost the whole day sleeping during the summer so it was good to have the whole day today. anyways my mom is sitting with this older man at night so im keeping Braelyn,Bailey,Garrett, and will on thursdays and fridays while she sleeps! today went pretty good. im rethinking the idea of me wanting 4 kids when im older. thats alott..and these kids are so wild but here are some pictures.


haha. i love this. he looks like an old man!

Braelyn sliding.

Garrett....he says "cheeeeeseburger"

1 comment:

Sheila Lackey said...

Precious! They look so sweet.
You are doing a great job!